The Minoan Experience
At the premises of the Equestrian Club in Karteros, we created an area of cultural activities, the Minoan Theater. Our visitors will indulge their senses to the beauty and greatness of an important era, that of The Minoans, which remained in history as the Pinnacle of Peace and Prosperity.
It has been written that they may have been the happiest people to walk the earth.
Their famous capital, Knossos, is decorated with wonderful frescoes full of cheerful colours, slender, young ladies and athletic men. They were peaceful people who were after good sportsmanship at least 1,000 years before the first Olympic Games. The labrys and the bull, which they confronted in dangerous bull-leaping rituals, are the sacred symbols of this civilization.
Nowadays, the Minoans are an exotic mystery, but they are also a source of inspiration and creation to all of us. Enjoy the journey to their colourful world…

Meet the Minoans!
A unique three hour experience from the past to the present:

We turn back time 3,500 years… This history if both a dream and a reality. A journey in time and space. You are invited at the Minoan Theater of the Palace to honour the Great Mother, Goddess Nature. Phaedra, daughter of King Minos welcomes you…
The Minoan ladies dance to honour the Goddess along with the men. Their union, a symbol of equality and love in honour of the Great Mother.
The games will begin. Strength, stamina and intelligence will surface through the bull games, surviving the fatal risks of the game with the sacred bull.
The high priestess embraces the Minotaur in a ritual dance.

Olive oil, wine, honey, grains and herbs are five basic elements on the Minoan diet
Nothing is left to chance. Everything included eons of wisdom and their combinations constituted the perfect nutritional value for the people.
Diet was part of their religion, worship, communication, philosophy, medicine and healing, as well as every expression of the human consciousness and spirit.
“A unique journey to minoan civilization and gastronomy”
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